Monday, January 18, 2016

Cinema Paradiso

Salvatore was adventurous and outgoing ever since he was a child. Through my observation as a psychology student, Salvatore would score high on Openness, Extraversion and Agreeableness on the Big 5 Personality Test. For instance, Salvatore had always been curious and was open to new ideas offered by his mentor, Alfredo. In addition to that, he extended his interest by exploring and experimenting with films on camera when he became a young adult. These are traits representing Openness according to the Big 5 Personality Test.  Salvatore's Extraversion characteristics can be seen from how he interacts with people around him. For example, he was confident enough to approach a girl of interest directly which introverts normally wouldn't do. Salvatore's Agreeableness can be seen on his interaction with his mentor with trust and kindness especially after his mentor lost his sight.

In the movie, Salvatore and Alfredo's relationship have exceeded mentor-student relationship. In fact, I was able to observe a father and son relationship among them. However, their relationship started with a teasing manner. They eventually became friends when they both started helping each other. For example, when Salvatore was in trouble with his mum watching a movie in a cinema with her money, Alfredo extended help. The same happened when Salvatore conditionally helped Alfredo with his examination. Their relationship draws closer as they disclose themselves to each other in a deeper and broader manner. This can be explained through Social Penetration Theory which stated that development of close relationship is proportional to the extend of self-disclosure. Altruistic helping can be observed in scenes where Salvatore ran into the fire risking his own life to save Alfredo. Towards the end of the movie, Alfredo instructed Salvatore to never return to his home town as he felt it was too small to keep a dreamer like Salvatore. On top of that, Alfredo wanted Salvatore to pursue his dream whole hearty without being restrained by his past.

While Salvatore was pursuing his love, Elena, he used interpersonal attraction strategies such as the mere exposure effect. For instance, Salvatore proposed to stand by Elena,s window for 100 days, waiting for her to change her mind and fall in love with him. When Elena rejected Salvatore at the beginning, playing hard to get strategy had been applied. This strategy succeeded in awakening Salvatore's determination to woo Elena with a strong desire. After they officially became a couple, they shared bother Passionate and Intimate love. Salvatore wanted to Commit to Elena but little Commitment was observed in Elena. The movie ended with ended scenes of couple kissing in a old video clip. This could be because these kissing scenes was a remembrance of Salvatore's initial passion towards filming. Another explanation could be that Salvatore's relationship with his only true love, Elena. ended with a passionate kiss.

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